1) What is the working title of your book?
Of my current project, the title that I seem to be leaning towards is Archer of the Lake. I've considered others: Beauty of Spring, The Snowdrop Crown, and the title that remained on the word document for months: Misanthrope Elf, which is, as I see now, a bit of logical fallacy.
2) Where did the idea come from for your book?
Strangely enough, I had a dream. It wasn't a vastly fantastic dream, but it stuck out to me quite a bit. In the dream, around ten elves were sitting in my room with picture-esque poses, all still as statues. Quite noticeable was an elf with dark hair and clothing sitting in the corner by himself. The nearest one to him, like a Pale Lady, gave me the sense as though as she was the only one accepting of him. The tableaux shifted, and then I saw the darker elf picking up a cloak the Pale Lady had. Only, the cloak did not belong to the Pale Lady. It was the cloak of another he-elf, and the darker felt betrayed, angry, and rather jealous. And then, the dream ended.
3) What genre does your book fall under?
Fantasy, definitely, with all its magic and fantastical realm. I love fantasy. Some may also think it would be Young Adult or Paranormal Romance. I'm sticking to Fantasy.
4) Which actors would you choose to play in your movie rendition?
Oddly enough, I compiled this list months ago--
Character A - Female Protagonist
Amanda Seyfried
Character B - Male Lead
Garrett Hedlund (but only with this hair)
Character C - Supporting Male
Joseph Fiennes
![]() |
Character AMAZING - Female Protagonist Father Liam Neeson |
5) What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
The budding she-elf of Sal'Sumarathar, Caelfel fights, often alone, the evil forces that have infiltrated her beloved woodland city in order to save her family, herself, and the one elf everyone hates.
It's not brilliant. I just came up with it, in fact.
6) Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I am largely looking into self-publishing. Then, I will keep writing, continue self-publishing, and enjoy the spoils my way. If I gain vast popularity, perhaps then I will consider obtaining an agent to handle legal things for me. However, for now I'll just focus on the actual creations and enjoy the experience of marketing and such for myself.
7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
After I got the idea to start writing in February, I seemed to write nonstop all the way until May. I wrote in class, which was a strange experience in and of itself to write and understand biology and history lectures at the same time. It was amusing when my biology professor asked me questions the most to try to stump me, but I was correct 99% of the time and earned the highest grade in the class. This was also when I got my job working an after-school program to look after children from preschool to fifth grade age for two hours a day. I could write then while the children ran around the playground, only needing to glance up occasionally. Then, in the summer, I got a real job that demands 30+ hours a week. I had a summer class, so I wrote a bit then, but not nearly as much. So, there's somewhat of a gap in the period I was writing. When the fall semester started, I started writing a bit more, but the real job took occasional precedence, as did my constant need for sleep. And, with my Creative Writing class, I had to focus my writing for that. Now, I just need to finish the climax and ending. Then, editing!
8) What other books would you compare this story to?
I believe I took a lot of inspiration from Tolkien's elves, but not strictly. There was also reading Paolini's Inheritance Cycle that inspired me to fantasy in the first place. Also, The Hobbit.
9) Who or what inspired you to write the book?
Honestly, the idea of the dream was much too good for me to give up. See, I tell myself stories every night when I go to sleep. Then, I get epic feelings of heroism that I hope translate into my dreams. But, with so many stories I come up with, inevitably, there are a few that get lost in my memory through the passage of time. I did not want to forget this one. And, as I mentioned earlier, when I began writing, I met a rather awesome girl when I started work at the school. She liked video games, stories, and writing. And she helped inspire me to write more.
10) What else about your book might pique the readers interest?
It has romance, and not just any romance but my kind of romance which is much different and better than any other romance (in my professional opinion) because it is angsty and awkward. There's also were-folk and elves and various other races and classes of my own creation.