My days are often filled with the same, repetitive process. And as I repeat day after day, I'm beginning to find a similar theme in all of them: work.
Monday and Wednesdays: Arise early for Government class. After class, small amount of time allotted to forage for food. Successful or no, proceed to the near-hour drive to French class. After French class, complete the same drive home, find sustenance and prepare self for job that will most likely have you staying out past ten. When home, small amount of time allowed for eating, studying, writing, or other recreational activities. Go to sleep.
Tuesdays: Arise even earlier for Economics class. About three hours devoted to eating, studying, writing or blogging (as done now). Go to World Mythology. Proceed to job. Same routine at night from Mondays and Wednesdays.
Thursdays: Repeat Tuesday. After World Mythology proceed to second job that lasts until 5:00. Off the rest of the day. Remainder of time conscious is devoted to either resting, cleaning, studying, or writing.
Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays: Sleep in until work (sleep is needed!). Go to work for 7 - 8 hours. Come home to rest, clean, write, or vegetate. If one of these days are my off days or if I happen to get off before 4:00, spend time with Boyfriend, friends, or family, and run errands. Saturday nights are booked to complete Government assignments which are due at midnight.
My writing is normally completed either when I get off, during class, between classes, or during breaks at work. But, as you can see, I'm constantly working--be it my normal job, my second job, school work, writing work, or housework. It feels oftentime like a neverending cycle. Writing gets put on hold most of the time for other responsibilities I must devote time to. As a result, things like blogging or networking gets put on hold while I deal with priorities. Not to mention how I'm constantly reminded that for every hour I'm in class, you must spend two hours outside of class to study. I don't think I'm reaching that recommendation.
Meanwhile, other things happen. I've had a lot of car troubles recently and work schedule issues. When I make a B on a French test and explain to my professor of my recent stress-load, I am merely told how he expects me to still make an A in the class. I understand, high expectations, wanting me to do well since I'm always expected to make an A, but a B is not a bad grade. But when the adult figures in my life look at me, they expect better than a B, of which I am capable of, yes. However other things in my life take equal precendence, and that's the truth whether they like it or not. Even with school--when I have a 1,250 word essay due in Government and a 7 page paper due in Mythology, I will not use the time I need to write those to make sure I know French perfectly. I'll make sure I will make nothing below a C, but I'm not going to waste that time to memorize concepts word-for-word I already understand.
Then there is also the issue of not having enough credits to graduate with my Associates this May, something I largely panicked over. I spoke with some people, and since the class I need is not offered, my French professor will also do a Topics in World Literature class with me in order to get me the one credit hour I need. I'm relieved, but after Spring Break, this increases my classload.
All this stress, and then I have to worry about some spiteful, passive-agressive instructor who took a picture of my license plate because I was parked in a Staff/Faculty only parking lot. I've been plotting my revenge for this lady on a near-constant basis.
Beyond the stress, negativity, and complaining, I am making progress though. Each word I write is that much more closer to the end of my manuscript. I've considered changing the title from Archer of the Lake to something else, but that's a problem for later. I also received a dream about two nights ago and after ruminating over it for the past two days, I believe I have another book idea practically established. I started writing the first few pages of that project, and I find the idea intriguing and motivating. Meaningful.
But I have spent too much of my precious free time now blogging for today. I leave you with the reassurance that I am making progress.
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