Thursday, February 14, 2013

What Inspires Me

The current word that has peeked my interest is, in English, credit or credibility.  In Latin, the verb 'to believe' is credare, credo (to believe, I believe), or trust.  I just learned this verb in French. Croire.  It's always fascinated me, for some reason.  I wanted to turn it the Latin version into something of a statement famous from a favorite anime of mine.  However, the verb 'to give' fit better than trying to convert credare into 'to entrust' or a giving of trust, since the statement was a command.  If you're curious, the phrase in Latin is, Da Mihi Tuum Cordem.  (Give me your heart, from Princess Tutu)

Also, I have three songs for you--

Lord of the Rings Symphony (Compilation, with commentary from composer) Look for the bass clarinet!

Fiddler on a Roof -- If I Were a Rich Man

Carrie Underwood -- Blown Away

Also, in my World Mythology class, we have just finished our section on Greco-Roman mythology.  So, I thought this would be an appropriate time to make mention that my female protagonist is loosely based on a figure from Greek mythology, perhaps one of my favorite goddesses.

Side note, we begin Norse mythology today.  I'm excited for Loki.

Also, I saw the new movie Warm Bodies, twice in the past week.  I enjoyed it so much, just as I thought I would, that I was happy to see it with another friend who wanted to see it desperately.   I'm determined to eventually read the book it's based on.  But on a whole, the movie gave me a new interest on zombies, a new perspective.  The zombie genre always interested me on the survival angle-- see Amanda Hocking's Hollow series, and the Walking Dead.

Speaking of the Walking Dead, I love that show.  I have not, however, since the latest episode and I will vehemently seek anyone out who spoils the new episode for me.

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