Saturday, January 5, 2013

What Inspires Me

I've decided to write frequent or infrequent blog updates on what inspires me at the time of writing them. First, I am currently fixated on this piece of music from the Thor soundtrack:

I'm not sure what I find so appealing about it. I'm certainly found of a section that lasts about four seconds and repeatedly plays on the title menu of the DVD. Music aside, I do love this movie. Whether it's Kenneth Branagh's genius or Tom Hisddleston's, I can't be certain.  I watched the Avengers before Thor and fell in love with Loki. Then, I watched Thor and loved Loki even more when it became apparent that he wasn'u just a homicidal maniac. He was an Asgardian in pain. I can empathize. With Tom Hiddleston's performance at least.

Anyway, the obsession led to me wanting Loki memorabilia. So I set about to purchase a vinyl Loki bobblehead. I was successful in this venture and after browsing through online stores this morning, I see that you can't get one less for $100 now. I am pleased to inform you that I got mine for less than $40. Here he is:

Loki next to the shabbily-patched laptop cord

One thing led to another and I decided I wanted to be Loki for Halloween (if that's telling how long this fascination has gone on).

But that's enough of my strange fangirl fixations.  More later.

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