Tuesday, February 12, 2013


As I'm drawing nearer and nearer to the close of my manuscript, I'm beginning to spend some of my energy worrying about the fortmatting.  eBook and print.  I've found that The Book Designer is a rather helpful blog for indie publishing, and highly recommend it for fellow authors. I keep telling myself that that's an issue for a later time, but I have been going back and forth on what font to use.  I've researched most common ones and I'm undecided between the two my word processor has--Palatino Linotype and Garamond.  After a quick poll on my Facebook, it appears that the former is the favorite between the two.  If anyone is reading it, feel free to state your preference in a comment below between A & B:

Please forgive the typo--the one that is not underlined in red.  "Unconformed" is very intentional.  What you're seeing here is the very first paragraph of the entire manuscript, an opening of sorts.  I've deliberated between sharing that beginning here, but I believe I will save that surprise for later.  For now, be grateful for this first paragraph and feel free to share your feedback with it. Also, more later when I've decided on the release.

And, be sure to check back later for another 'What Inspires Me' post.

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