Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Gears are Moving!

To kickstart this new blog, I'm having a Mini Blog Tour with Gabriel Beyers, in which I will answer a few questions within the next week.  You may check out his blog here.  And, he also has a website.

In the meantime, I have just finished one of my final exams for my Creative Writing class.  It wasn't a particularly difficult final or a particularly difficult class, for that matter, but it was a class that I'll deeply miss next semester and any other semester while I am in college.  The instructor was a great mentor for writing, pointed me in several helpful directions, and stroked my already-inflated ego.  Repeatedly, he told me that I have the necessary elements and what it takes to sell, which is immensely encouraging for me as I'm starting out this business because I would love to do it professionally.

I've always felt as though I would do something big, probably attributed to my innate genius and cynicism.  I will do this.  I know it.  Perhaps the point of this blog post to is reassure myself of my capabilities and remind myself of my goals.  I will publish, and as I get closer and closer to that route, I feel as though I'm leaning towards the indie path.

But please note, Kelly Michaels will be a published author one day.

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