Thursday, May 9, 2013

Domain Time!

I now have a domain!

Which means, if you go to the URL box and type in "", it will bring you here!

Why do I have this, you ask?  Here's the answer:

I see other indie authors with their own domains for their blogs, and I desperately craved one as well.  However, I thought by going ahead and purchasing one would be quite too ambitious for me.  So I waited.  I told myself I would finish my draft before I begin investing in marketing.  Then, today happened, and I was doing some searching, browsing through other indie communities and something from popped up and I saw that they had a marvelous sale for a .com domain for $0.99 for a year's subscription.  Compare the price to then normal $14.99 a year, and you will see it was an opportunity I could not resist.

Why the "i" before Kelly? It was the same for my Blogger username.  Mostly because "kellymichaels" is always taken.  I wanted some sort of originality: I, Kelly Michaels... My Twitter username is the same.  And it could also mean "indie" as in, I am in indie author, publishing independently.

In other news, I am very close to the end of the book.  I've begun steps for the cover design.  I've already been generally given an image for the cover and I'm in the process of discussing typography and formatting with a graphic excited.

Needless to say, I am excited!

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